Personal AI tutors for all learners

Online learning is unengaging and impersonal. We're changing that.

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AI-Powered Tutoring

Experience personalized learning with our AI tutors. Here's how it works:

Personalized Learning

Our AI adapts to your learning style and pace, providing customized explanations and examples.

Interactive Engagement

Engage in natural conversations with our AI tutor, asking questions and receiving instant feedback.

Multimodal Communication

Learn through text, images, and audio explanations, enhancing comprehension and retention.

Why Choose AI Tutors?

24/7 Availability

Access tutoring anytime, anywhere. Our AI tutors are always ready to help, accommodating your schedule and learning preferences.


Benefit from high-quality tutoring at a fraction of the cost of traditional one-on-one tutoring services.

Continuous Improvement

Our AI tutors are constantly updated with the best pedagogical practices, ensuring you always receive cutting-edge education.

How Our AI Tutors Work

Experience a new way of learning with our AI tutoring system:

User Input & Image Analysis

Share your questions or problems through text or images. Our AI analyzes both to understand your specific needs and context.

Dialogue Management & Knowledge

To say the right thing at the right time is crucial. Our AI tutors always judge what the tutee needs at any given time.


Receive personalized explanations, step-by-step solutions, and additional resources, all adapted to your learning style and pace.

Seamless Integration Illustration

Seamless Integration for Online Learning

Elevate your online learning platform with our AI tutoring technology. We process your materials and create a custom AI tutor, handling the complexities so you can focus on delivering exceptional education.

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EdTech Garage

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